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“Hey, Steph, I want to …”

Grab a vino (or three!) and tune in while your resident online business strategist (that’s me!) deep dives into the nitty-gritty of building a profitable business.

Warning: Each podcast contains irresistibly addictive content with straight-up strategies, marketing tips and actionable insight to help you build the business of your dreams.

How to grow your business faster?

How to design a business that works for you (not the other way around)?

How to bust through your self-doubt to reach your big, scary goals?

Ever wondered (and worried!):

Actionable tips, and strategies to build a business that brings you more profit, more freedom and even more joy

Imperfect Action Podcast

I'm an online business strategist, helping experts build profitable and sustainable online businesses that continue to grow even when they’re offline. 

In 12 months, I took my online business from $100K to $1 million, and the best bit? This didn’t come with the trade-off of more hustle and more time. By creating a solid online business and sales engine, I was able to take weeks off to hike around the outback with a tent on my back, and be off the grid for a month in a campervan with my furry best pal, Archie.
By leaning on strategy over tactics, value over the hard sell, and longevity over quick wins, I believe that a successful online business shouldn’t feel like you’re pushing an elephant up the hill, but instead should feel fun, flowy, and fulfilling. 

Because let’s be real: your online business shouldn’t fall apart simply because you weren’t “on the tools”, because you finally took that holiday, or because you didn’t post that Reel. 

Hey there! I’m Steph. 

meet your online biz bestie

Heads up … Creating your winning digital product needn’t be a series of unfortunate events. Skip the stress and scoop up your FREE step-by-step framework for creating your next digital product.

Free Workbook: The Digital Product Kickstart Kit

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